SUMIT BAJAJ – Astrologer, Psychic Life Counsellor & Vastu Specialist, based in Kolkata
Believe in God Only !
Astrology is Science. The science of Astrology is a great complex science and it should be guarded with care. It should never be revealed to anyone who doesn’t believe in God or do not have faith in God, or are skeptics by nature and to those who do not have reverence to their Guru.
Not only the science can be applied in human life but also it can be applied in the financial markets, nations, and other matters whatever you can think of.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Astrology predict future?
As said predictive Astrology allows us to look into the future of any person, nation, world, or any other matter. Hence, when analyzed correctly, one may predict the future. However, it may be noted that this is the most difficult work for any astrologer because Astrology is a science with high complexities.
What if prediction doesn’t go right?
One thing is for sure. Astrology can never be wrong, Astrologers though can be. If the predictions doesn’t go correct, then my analysis would be incorrect. It would entail a fresh look at the horoscope and same may be needs for finding out the reasons why the predictions went incorrect. It is rightly said that a native too gets the correct guidance only if he/she is destined to.
Is Astrology a Science? What's the science behind Astrology?
Whether you believe it or not but Astrology is a Science. It is a complex science. Whatever Astrologers predict, they predict on the base of certain scientific rules but very complex. Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the apparent relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. A zodiac of 360 degree can be divided into 1800 parts, where again each planet posited in each different 1800 parts gives different results. In every 48 seconds maximum the results may vary of different native born and at different places.
Not only the Science can be applied in human life but also it can be applied in the financial markets, nations, and other matters whatever you can think of. The Sun Sign or Moon sign do not solitarily create all the characteristics present in a Person. The Ascendant (The Sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of Birth, from the Birth place) has a major part to play too in the Nature Persona- of the person.
What is your view on Astrology ? Whether any person can change his future through his Karma?
Astrology is believed to be one of the 6 fruits of the Vedas and without study of Astrology, study of Vedas cannot be said to be complete. Astrology again is sub-divided into many part out of which predictive portion forms only small part of it. This science of Astrology is used to improve one`s soul and it is understood that with advanced study of Astrology it is also possible to find out at what stage of evolution a person presently is in and whether there is any possibility of making further progress or not.
With great reverence to great Shri C J Krishnaswamy ji, Karmas are said to be of three kinds: 1. Sanchitha 2. Prarabdha 3. Agami
Sanchitha is the store house of all your actions, good or bad or indifferent of all your previous lives. The twelfth house of a horoscope represents the same. The 5th house of a horoscope represents the Prarabdha. That much which you have taken out of the Sanchintha to spend during the present life is Prarabdha (fifth house). Agami as may be understood is the karma which you create in present life (10th house) and which again becomes Sanchintha of the next life. Your Prarabdha can lead you to fixed part of present life, but then with the help of knowledge of Astrology and own free will, it would help you to create Agami, for your Agami becomes Sanchitha which in turn becomes Prarabdha of some other life. Hence, Astrology is not a fatalistic science and Man is not an automation in the hands of fate. There is the free will in man.
No doubt destiny or Prarabdha may incline the native to a certain extent, but the native should never be its plaything. The purpose of the science is to minimise the trouble of every individual by proper advice and counsel and not to magnify it to the detriment of the individual. To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed. This science is not at all obligatory or dictatorial or fatalistic. It is highly advisory and a guide for people who can see. Of course to the blind, the science is blind. This science must be the handmaid of the individual and not at all the mistress and all this is written with the intention of stimulating thought and enquiry on the philosophic aspect of astrology.
How does Astrology influence a person's life?
It wouldn’t be correct to say that Astrology influences a person`s life. Infact any person`s life plan has been fixed as per his karma and God`s will. Astrology is a science which helps one in knowing about that Life Plan. As per the belief, God would not generally change or interfere in the Life plan of a person, however, you may with the guidance of Astrology, make the road to achieve the Life plan smoother or happier. When you are on any way, Astrology tells you to open the Umbrella when it is about to rain, which otherwise one would have been treading drenched.
Can Astrology predict future?
As said predictive Astrology allows us to look into the future of any person, nation, world, or any other matter. Hence, when analyzed correctly, one may predict the future. However, it may be noted that this is the most difficult work for any astrologer because Astrology is a science with high complexities.
Why do any two Astrologers give different predictions?
It may be noted that Astrology is a science and only through a competent astrologer combined with native`s destiny, one can receive accurate predictions.
Trusted By More Than 1,000+ Customers
Amazing solutions over last 2 decades. his predictions were so precise in terms of timing, which really amaze.
Prashant Prahladka
Overall a very satisfying experience.
Gautam Jhunjhunwala
Accurate prediction and I also receive good guidance
Yatin Chaudhary
Excellent predictions by him
Rohit K Singhania
Sumit is wonderful with astrology. He has a keen understanding of the subject.
Sonal Agarwal
I admire Sumit’s (Astrology Solutions) knowledge of the astrology science and some of his past predictions that it forced me…
Nishit Ladha
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