I am trying to make a prediction on the upcoming India Vs Pakistan match being proposed to be plated on 28th August 2022 being part of Asia Cup.
As per the start time of the match, it appears that which team shall be batting first shall finally be losing out. Chances are very high that India shall be batting first.
As per horoscope of Virat Kohli, it is likely that he will be have certain sudden end after an average inning. It may be possible that he will play aggressively and hit 2-3 boundaries just before getting out which may also change the course of the match.
Rohit Sharma`s horoscope suggests very excellent time going on for him. Specially after 4-5 months, he will do exceptionally well. However, on 28th Aug, he will be playing slow to begin and then shall be unable to scale up and he may not be able to score more than 18-22 on avg.
From above two horoscope, it does not suggest any kind of assurance on India`s strength to win the match.
As per the Prashna horoscope, 5-6th over of the first innings, there shall be large hitting and decent addition to the score. In the 7th over, wicket is possible. In the 13-15th there is likely change in course of the match. Last 2-3 overs shall be average scoring which might lead the team to fall below the expected score.
In the 2nd innings, first 2-3 overs will be slower then expected and in the 3.5-5.5 overs some catch up shall be done. After 9th over again, there shall be some weird event, and 9-11th over may decide the course of the game with clarity. In the 14th over wicket may fall, however it may not be the deciding course of the match. After the fall of wicket, there again shall be good shots which may be played. 17-18th over may again be deciding over and we should be able to get to know the winner by then. Final bowl may be bowled in the 19th over of the 2nd innings.
Pakistani bowlers should do very well.
All in all it seems like a tough match for both the teams, however India may just be slightly off the edge and particularly when they bat first. If Pakistan bats 2nd, it is most likely to win.
This is the first time I am writing about Cricket Match Prediction. The prediction accuracy for Cricket Matches is generally very low, because of various factors. There are multiple people playing and each one of their horoscope must be checked to arrive at the final conclusion. Team may lose, but there may be few players of the losing team who have done well. That is the reason why accuracy is generally lower.